The Rittner Buam open a new era

Collalbo, August 30, 2021 - After 17 years in office, Thomas Rottensteiner is no longer president of the Rittner Buam. At the general meeting on Monday evening, the well-known businessman from Renon handed over the throne to his successor Roberto Rampoldi. Along with this, a good part of the nine members of the Rittner Buam board is new.

Roberto Rampoldi is the successor of Thomas Rottensteiner as president of the Rittner Buam. From now on, the 42-year-old jurist, who has already worked on the board of the blue-reds for nine years, will hold the fate of one of South Tyrol's most successful hockey clubs in his hands. "I would like to thank my predecessor Thomas Rottensteiner for his tireless efforts. Without any doubt it was him and his team that made the Rittner Buam what it is today. If we can maintain the continuity given by them in the last ten years, we will certainly be satisfied," said Rampoldi in his first statement after the election.


Besides the new president of the Rittner Buam, vice-president Wolfgang Holzner, Michael Quinz, Alexander Öhler, Andreas Pichler, Josef Fauster, Hanspeter Graf, Kurt Prast and Lukas Lintner will be part of the board. Holzner and Quinz were also part of the previous board. "We have a good team, which cooperates with a lot of dedication and is committed to many ideas. In the coming weeks we will divide up the different areas," explained Rampoldi.



A farewell prepared for a long time


It has been known for a long time that Thomas Rottensteiner would not be standing for re-election. Two years ago, the entrepreneur announced that he would step down at the end of the 2020/21 season and hand over the helm to others. "I honestly don't feel any melancholy, as I had made this decision long ago. The old board leaves behind a neatly organized, well-structured association. All this has been very important for us. Of course I will be available for questions or in case of doubts, but at the same time I think that the new board has to go its own way and make its own decisions. I am confident that the new association leadership will work well," said Thomas Rottensteiner on Monday evening at the end of his 17-year term.


His tenure began in the 2004/05 season and kicked off a decade of great success for Renon. One Alps Hockey League title, five Scudetti, three Italian Cups and five Super Cup triumphs speak volumes. "Seen in retrospect, it was an excellent period that, at the beginning, presented us with great challenges, especially from an economic point of view. I remember with pleasure our surprising access to the finals in the 2005/06 season, or a couple of years later in the finals against Bolzano, we had played in front of 7200 enthusiastic fans. Of course also the first title won in the 2013/14 season, the Alps Hockey League victory three years later, as well as the many beautiful Continental Cup games," Rottensteiner summed up some highlights of his long tenure.


Along with Rottensteiner, his deputy Georg Eisath, Erwin Bauer, Hannes Prast, Michael Platter, Stefan Bonatti, Valentin Wenter, Willy Alber and Felix Schielein are leaving the Rittner Buam board. All of them will be duly saluted during the "Rittner Hockey Tog" which will take place this Saturday, September 4, starting at 2 pm.