The strong Rittner Buam must bow to Asiago in the Scudetto challenge

Asiago, February 12, 2022 - For almost 52 minutes it seemed that the Rittner Buam could celebrate the victory of the title of Italian champions. At the end, however, Asiago had the better of it. Saturday night, the team from Veneto won 2:1, the decisive match of the IHL-Serie A final tournament.

THE SYNTHESIS: In the decisive match for the Scudetto in Asiago, the Rittner Buam have to do without Frei and Ramoser, while Giacomuzzi returns to the ice. Since the beginning, the house masters give their mark to the game. Iacobellis (4th), Giliati (5th) and Tessari have to surrender against a Smith in excellent conditions. Offensively, the Rittner Buam don't get into the game and in the first 20 minutes the blue-red don't get anything more than a harmless shot of Quinz (7th). Things go differently for Asiago, who keeps Smith busy with Vankus (10th), Ginnetti and Giliati (11th). At the 13th minute, Asiago celebrates the presumed advantage after a Giliati's shot. After the video proof, however, the goal is not validated because the puck hits the left post to the right one, but does not cross the goal line. Shortly after, Smith's goal is under fire, but Michele Marchetti, Mantenuto and Giliati are beaten by the Renon goalie. And when Jake Smith is not in position, the goal frame takes care of it, as when Salinitri hits the post in the 17th minute. Heiskanen's team was lucky that at the end of the first period the score was still 0:0.

At the beginning of the middle period the Rittner Buam are able to keep the game open and are unlucky when Osburn hits the crossbar in the 26th minute. Asiago however continues to be dangerous, but wastes with Marchetti (27th), Finoro (28th) and Alessandro Tessari (30th). After 31'20" of the game Simon Kostner has to go to the penalty box and, in numeric inferiority, the Rittner Buam find an excellent occasion, but Sailio misses (33°). Shortly after Andreas Lutz takes the goal frame (35th), but then the guests take the lead. In on the powerplay Di Perna beats Vallini with a one timer from the engagement circle (35'11"). Then the Rittner Buam overcome a second penalty kill unharmed, but then, 20 seconds before the interval, Asiago draws. Smith makes a mistake and Michele Marchetti takes advantage of it with coldness.

Even the final period is a continuous back and forth. The game is in the hands of the house masters, who push to go ahead. Shortly after the half of the game they are rewarded: Michele Marchetti shoots from the blue line and Iacobellis deflects the puck with success (51'17"). Shortly after Iacobellis could close the game, but this time he is won by Smith. The Rittner Buam, to whom a draw would be enough to win the title, risk everything in the last five minutes. The best chance came from Spinell, who had to surrender in front of Vallini (59th). On the other side of the field Marchetti could close, without success. At 52 seconds from the end Heiskanen takes the goalie off the ice for a sixth skater. Nevertheless, Asiago manages to keep the advantage and at 22.45 on the dot the historical club from Veneto wins the title of the 88th Italian Championship.


88th Italian Championship - Round Robin

Asiago Hockey - Rittner Buam 2:1 (0:0, 1:1, 1:0)

Goals: 0:1 Dylan Di Perna (35'11" /PP), 1:1 Marchetti (39'40"), 2:1 Iacobellis (51'17")

MVP: Jake Smith (RIT) & Michele Marchetti (ASH)

Photo: Max Pattis